Battery Switches

A complete range of battery switches to suit a variety of applications and power loads

SKU: Battery Switches Category:

A complete range of battery switches to suit a variety of applications and power loads.

Material Description 200 Amp/275 Amp/275 Amp Easyfit/Remote Operated/350 Amp/600 Amp: Impact resistant plastic. Tin plated copper studs and nuts
150 Amp: Impact resistant plastic
100 Amp: Impact resistant plastic. Steel key and mounting plate
Termination Stud Size 200 Amp/350 Amp: 3 x 10mm (3/4″)
275 Amp/275 Amp Easyfit/Remote Operated: 2 x 10mm (3/4″)
600 Amp: 2 x 12mm (1/2″)
Cable Connection 150 Amp/100 Amp: 2 screw terminals, M10
Operation 275 Amp/275 Amp Easyfit/Remote Operated/600 Amp: ON / OFF
200 Amp/350 Amp: 1-2-Both-OFF
Degree of Protection 200 Amp/275 Amp/275 Amp Easyfit/Remote Operated/350 Amp/600 Amp: IP 56
150 Amp/100 Amp: IP X4
Max. Load Continuous 200 Amp: 200 Amps – B1 or B2
275 Amp/275 Amp Easyfit/Remote Operated: 275 Amps
350 Amp: 350 Amps – B1 or B2 or 500 Amps – B1 and B2
600 Amp: Continuous 600 Amps
150 Amp: 24V150A Continuous
100 Amp: 100A
Max. Load Intermittent 200 Amp: 300 Amps (5 minutes)
275 Amp/275 Amp Easyfit/Remote Operated: 455 Amps (5 minutes)
350 Amp: 500 Amps (5 minutes)
600 Amp: 800 Amps (5 minutes)
Max. Load Cranking 200 Amp: 1000 Amps (10 seconds)
275 Amp/275 Amp Easyfit/Remote Operated: 1250 Amps (10 seconds)
350 Amp: 1500 Amps (10 seconds)
600 Amp: 2500 Amps (10 seconds)
150 Amp: 12V1000A/24V500A (10 seconds)
100 Amp:12V 5000A/24V 2500A (10 seconds)
Max. Voltage 200 Amp/275 Amp/275 Amp Easyfit/350 Amp/600 Amp: 48V DC
Remote Operated: 9.5-32V DC
Warranty 275 Amp/350 Amp/600 Amp: 1 year warranty in all territories (Except the EU, where it is 2 years)




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