Hella Marine


Hella Marine Helping Provide Youth Development Opportunities

23 June 2017 in Technical specifications and product features

The NZ Sailing Trust is a Not-for-Profit registered Charity that provides youth sailing experiences for some 8000 young kiwis.

Last year 1237 students completed multi-day Youth Development Sailing Programmes with a focus on Personal Development, Leadership and Teamwork on the trusts historic Whitbread sailing vessels Steinlager 2 and Lion New Zealand.

Operating In the Greater Hauraki Gulf, Bay of Islands and Bay of Plenty the NZ Sailing Trust takes groups of up to 25 High School Students between the ages of 14 and 18 on anywhere from a single day to a six day sailing expedition.

With 4 crew to assist, the students quickly learn how to sail, watch keep, form teams and natural leadership skills start to emerge. For many students it’s the first time on the water and in some cases the first time they have been away from home.

Students learn about the legacy of Sir Peter Blake and the vessels he and his crew sailed on. They learn about the ecology of the ocean environment and sea mammals and bird life, essential sailing skills, rope work and navigation among many. Team activities such as building Bivouacs, Raft Building, building campfires all test the skill sets and encourage thinking outside the square.

Hella Marine supported the trust 4 years ago by providing a complete set of lighting for Steinlager 2 during her major refit. Some 4 years later and having covered 60,000nm in that period the lighting is still going strong, a true testament to the products reliability.

NZ Sailing trust CEO, Paul Powney commented, "Its generosity from suppliers like Hella that ensure we lower our costs toward the refit and ensure we can keep the cost of our programmes as low as possible."

The NZ Sailing Trusts Lion New Zealand is 32 years old and has covered 200,000nm since being in the trust ownership. This year they start on a six month refit to ensure they will have two platforms to deliver their Youth Development Programmes.

Hella marine is again on board to support the Charity and their extensive refit with the latest LED lighting package that will keep students safe and increase functionality above and below deck.

Hella marine is again on board to support the Charity and their extensive refit with the latest LED lighting package that will keep students safe and increase functionality above and below deck.

To learn more about the trust you can follow them on their Facebook page or through their website www.nzsailingtrust.com or make a donation via their givealittle page toward the cost of the refit. www.givealittle.co.nz


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