Hella Marine


Hella marine presents to Angela Merkel

17 November 2014 in News

Hella marine was highly honoured to be part of a prestigious group of companies invited to present to the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

Martin Reinbach presenting to Angela Merkel
Martin Reinbach presenting to Angela Merkel during her recent visit to New Zealand

Organised by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Hella marine, along with Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Siemens, GEA and Auckland University represented local technology companies with connections to Germany.
Martin Reinbach, Managing Director of HELLA-New Zealand discussed the benefits of energy efficient LED Lighting technologies and the company’s experience in combining durable materials with precision optics.

In her first visit to New Zealand Angela Merkel also met with Prime Minister John Key to discuss developing greater links between the two countries in science and technology and possible free trade agreements with the European Union.

During her visit Angela Merkel also received a rousing Maori welcome at Government House, flew to Motutapu Island to release a Kiwi, New Zealand’s native bird, and gave an address at Auckland University before leaving for the G-20 summit in Brisbane, Australia.


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