Lifejackets and Lights Campaign
13 November 2013 in News
Lifejackets and lights the focus of new boating campaign
Additional patrols before sunrise and after sunset on State waterways will be a key part of a new boating campaign focusing on lifejacket and lighting safety.
Roads and Maritime Services Maritime Director Michael Wright said Operation Lights On would start tomorrow and continue to the end of the following weekend.
'Roads and Maritime Services boating safety officers (BSOs) will be targeting vessels operating at night to ensure they are displaying required navigation lights,' Mr Wright said.
'The aim is to reduce the number of night incidents which involve people boating without required lifejackets and lighting.
'As part of the campaign, there will be additional random patrols of waterways starting before sunrise and after sunset which are popular times for people heading out on the water in small vessels.
'A zero tolerance approach will apply for breaches of lifejacket law after significant efforts to educate boaters about new lifejacket requirements in the past two boating seasons.
'A specific focus will be ensuring children under 12 are wearing lifejackets at all times in vessels smaller than 4.8 metres long and in open areas of a moving vessel 4.8 metres to eight metres.
'During random checks of recreational and commercial vessels, BSOs will also be ensuring there are enough lifejackets on board for each person, that they are in good condition, easily accessible, appropriate for the intended wearer and circumstances.
'Most importantly, they will be ensuring lifejackets are worn when required under NSW law.
'Skippers will need to be are aware of the need to display correct navigation lights when operating at night, and have them positioned and displayed according to the vessel size and type,' Mr Wright said.
For boating safety information including about lifejackets visit RMS Website
by Medianet Operations